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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Family Management - book by Imam Nadaf.

Recently I had bought the book Family Management & after reading the book I thought to share my views on it. While reading as I felt very useful to others.

To buy this online: click here.

About Family Management Book: in this book author has very nicely described about family, members of family, role of each members in family and family managing conflicts with in family,

FAMILY: Father and Mother I Love You.

The members of sweet home in the harmony of thoughts and deeds. Each other should understand mutually. And know who am I? In the home and what are my responsibilities towards every member of the house, should think what I have to do, to keep my family happy and healthy.

Topics of Book / Contents
·       What Is the Meaning of Family?
·       What Is Joint Family?
·       What Is Nuclear Family?
·       Wife Management
·       Husband Management
·       Relatives Management
·       What You Want from Your Family You Have to Give First.
·       What Makes You Unhappy in the Family
·       How to Create Positive Environment in the Family
·       Who Are You? Why You Came into This Existence?
·       What is your goal? What you have to do?
·       Love Is Super Power.
·       You, the Most Beloved Human Being of the Brahmanda (Universe).
·       Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life
·       Change of Behaviour Can Change the Life
·       You Can Change Your Destiny; You Can Change Your Stars. You Can Change, Everything the Way You Want
·       Formula for Happy Family
·       Son Management
·       Married Son Management
·       Daughter Management
·       Brother Management
·       Sister management
·       Middle Aged Parents Management
·       Old age parents management
·       Mother Management
·       Father Management
·       Daughter-in-law Management
·       Mother-in-law Management
·       Father-in-law management
·       Brother-in-law Management
·       Matured Girls: Brother-in-law Management
·       Sister-in-law Management
·       Wife's sister Management

Author Note
Respected all my co travellers of the life on planet earth, chis book FAMILY MANAGEMENT IS dedicated to all the human beings and specially laid people of the earth.

Why I felt need of this book, in the form of management of family is, because, our Entire education system is heading towards the, earnings of bread, cloth, and residence. In Hindi ROTI, KAPADA Aur MAKAN.

Ok, it's fine, we need earning too but most important is life, we are breathing, we are living right now, we are living human beings in the form of family staying under one roof. We build new relations through marriages and new relatives enters in our lives, is it any education system which directs or leads towards giving knowledge in how to manage the family and how to behave each other and how to achieve happiness, joy, bliss of the great life?

Most of us are highly educated, graduate, post graduate, master graduate, PhD, doctorates, this much of education we got, but we don't know how to behave with our family members and relatives, and people to whom we have known and meet every day.

Most people don't know how to behave with their family members and relatives, that is the reason, so much and conflict in the family life increase the reason, so much of chaos in the family life increases day by day. This kind family member a state of conflict leads in the minds of family members a state confusion. Further it leads misunderstandings and that les to separate from the family, or separate from person to person or leads towards divorce etc.

The basic thing is we should get the knowledge of how to live life in the family with the family members. Our family is our happiness, our family members are our inspirers, when we understand each other and behave like all are one, we all are made up of the same and great energy, then only we will not hurt each other, we not abuse each other, we live in family life with full of harmony and bliss.

There are so many divorces taking place, there are so many children became orphans even though their parents are alive, there are so many suicides taking place every day in the world. There are so many negativities in the peoples mind about life they are fed up with it.

Why like this happening, because we haven't got the knowledge of how to live life and how to behave with our family members, and most important is we must have to know what the meaning of life is and what is family?

About Author
This book takes you towards the importance of family. Some common tips and formulae are given to lead a happy family life. Our life and our actions are totally dependent on the behaviour of our family members, if our family is happy, we are happy. The book shows the way to lead happy family life by maintaining the entire relationship in one rope of love and affection. The unconditional loving nature of a mother has to be implemented in everybody's life to stay happy.

The author was born and brought up in a very small village called Antaragange in Vijayapura district, Karnataka. While working part time, he was studying. After his education, he went to work in Bahrain. "Every man is the architect of his own fortune."  He has followed this proverb and made his life happy and healthy.

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