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Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Seasons: Seasons are the changes in weather, which last for a certain period of time.

The Earth has four seasons.

1) Winter
2) Spring
3) Autumn and
4) Summer.
Since the year has 12 months, each season lasts about three months.

Why we have the season?
The Earth's axis is slightly tilted in relation to its orbit around the Sun. This is why we have seasons.


In the winter, temperatures are colder than any season.  The part of earth experiencing winter is tilted and turned far away from the sun.  There may be snow or ice in the weather forecast. Tree branches are bare. Some animals go into hibernation in the winter. Days are short and in are long. It is important to remember that when you are experiencing the winter season, there are also people experiencing the summer season at the same time.

Winter Interesting Facts:

·        The Southern Hemisphere typically has milder winters than the Northern Hemisphere. This is because the Southern Hemisphere has less land and a more maritime climate.
·        Chionophobia is the persistent fear of snow, especially becoming trapped by snow. The term is derived from Greeks words chion and phobos, meaning "snow" and "fear," respectively


In the spring time, days grow longer than they were in the winter, and the temperature begins to increase.

Tiny green buds appear on tree branches and flowers burst into bloom Grass becomes bright green again, after being a dull winter brown. Animals come out of hibernation in the spring.

Spring Interesting Facts:

·        The first day of spring is called the vernal equinox. The term vernal is Latin for "spring" and equinox is Latin for "equal night." 

·        In China, the coming of spring coincides with celebrations for the Chinese New Year. The holiday falls on the first day of the first lunar month, in January or February. 

·        In the Southern Hemisphere, springtime lasts from August until November.


In the summer time, insects buzz and hum from leaf to flower. High in a tree, bird's nests are hidden by leaves. There are baby birds in the nest. The days are sunny, and hot. At this point, the earth is facing the sun tilted towards the sun. It is important to remember the while you have summer at your house, other people are having the winter season at their houses.

Summer Interesting facts:

·        In the summer heat, the iron in France's Eiffel Tower expands, making the tower grow more than 6 inches.

·        Both "equinox" and "solstice" refer to the path of the sun throughout the year. During a solstice, the sun is either at its northernmost point (Tropic of Cancer) or it is at its southernmost point (Tropic of Capricorn). An equinox is either of the two days each year when the sun crosses the equator and both day and night are equally long.

·        In southern England, over 37,000 people gather Stonehenge to see the summer solstice.


Fall is a season when leaves change colour and fall off of trees. Another name for fall is autumn. During fall, leaves turn red, orange, yellow, and brown. Bird's nests are empty and dry leaves crunched beneath walking feet. Days grow short and cool, and crops are harvested.

Autumn Interesting facts:

·        Autumn has been called the "hectic beauty of death."

·        Many birds prepare for winter migration during the fall. One of the longest migrations is the 11,000-mile journey by the Arctic Tern.

·        While Americans typically use the word "fall," the British use the word "autumn," though both terms date around the 16th century. Before these terms, the period was called "harvest."

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